Friday, October 21, 2011


     Beauty is the absence of any flaw, to the point where nothing needs added and nothing needs to be taken away. Beauty can be described in infinite ways, each conveying a unique passion. That which grabs the passion of a human is different among which passion it unravels within the soul of another. Such beauty can be seen in every form existing.
     Beauty can be described in infinite ways as to what is pleasing and impressive for each individual. Beauty is found in some form of every touch, smell, taste and aspect. Beauty to one person may be defined as a rare uniqueness, yet to another beauty may be defined as anything that is contrary to ugly. Beauty is unique and pleasurable in which to one person or another; no matter what form or value it is enjoyed. Beauty is found in every aspect, and each and every aspect details its own uniqueness and pleasure.
     Every snowflake is different from every other snowflake formed. Each snowflake is found to be beautiful yet unique in it’s own way. This also applies to every human; each human has beauty, but his or her beauty is different in definition to every other human. Uniqueness may not be particularly beautiful but even something hideous can hold a form; even a fraction of beauty. Everything concrete, whether tasted, felt, smelt, or touched is admired in someway. Beauty does not have to be what’s quota to daily influence. Human naturally follows the crowd and this applies for how beauty is defined.
     Solely because of following what is naturally “pleasing” to the eye, beauty is seen in few aspects. A dark musty cave: barren and spacious may hold no form of beauty to most because it is not an everyday thing the eye beholds. So what about a large, bountiful garden? Bright in color and light, perfumed flowers roaming through the paths of grass and streams: almost everyone would find a magnificent form of beauty in it. Does this mean a cave; dark and barren has no beauty? No, it’s not that the cave has no beauty; it’s the human that defines beauty to what is naturally pleasing to them. Knowledge of true beauty opens up a whole new world to what holds beauty. The cave, after knowing beauty is now appreciated rather than naturally pleasing because it’s what’s common to daily influence.
      Beauty grabs different passions in different people and the mind discerns the beauty seen. A lampshade covered in small crystals can hold beauty to one person, as to another; they may be disgusted by it because to them it looks like a lampshade dipped in cat litter. The mind is the key to defining beauty. It conveys the uniqueness and puts value on the beauty seen. Does beauty have to be concrete? A feeling is beauty, an idea is beauty, emotion is beauty, and even a situation is beauty. Imagine you are walking on the beach on a warm morning. Breeze is caressing your face, and joy is filling your spirit. Down along the shore is then a huge, washed up whale. The first thing you would think would be: wow, that’s a beauty. I am not saying that something dead is beautiful, but the whale is so huge, and almost scary at first glance that it overwhelms every sense you hold within. Beauty is deep, complex, and is to often mistaken.
      Beauty can be described in infinite ways, each conveying a unique passion. Beauty is found in every aspect, and each and every aspect details its own uniqueness and pleasure. It grabs different passions in different people, and the mind discerns the beauty seen. Beauty does not have to be something pretty, or even pleasing. Beauty is merely seen in every form, whether or not it is noticed. Beauty is all around us, and its uniqueness is over glanced everyday.

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